Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sleeping in...

It wasn't quite 6:45 this morning when I opened my 2 eyes. Normally I get to grumble in my mind about the garbage truck. This was a wierd noise. One I hadn't heard before. I listened, closed my eyes, tried to tune it out. The black sleeping mask I use to block out the light from the T.V at night wasn't helping my ears. I am a little nosy (I grew up in a small town, thats what happens). I needed to investigate.

So this is what I see...

A giant Dodge Ram with wheels that look to large to not be at a monster truck rally backed into the building behind me. Shovelling something from the box of the truck, into the dumpster. So, being a reasonable person, I figure whatever this is, might just last a few minutes. I let the dog out, and plotted to return to my nice warm bed (as this is still after all, a Saturday morning.)

Back to bed...I think. Well, all of this is just way too much excitement for Boris, my dog. He is jumping up and down barking his head off, at the man in the box of the truck with the shovel, behind Boston Pizza at 6:55 in the morning. Really, what can you expect of the beast. I briefly contemplated contacting Grisom or Horatio and the crew to come see if the key to some unsolved crime was being dumped. Boris had decieded to alert the authorities in his own time. Loudly.

The shovelling stops. By this time it is now 7:10, (please don't feel compelled to do the math- That was indeed 25 minutes worth of something getting shovelled from his truck). So, I figure, I can go back to bed...

Not happening. Boris and his frantic cries have now alerted both the Shitzu and the Pit Bull from the neighboring houses to this crisis. They have all formed a chorus of obnoxious barking fit to wake up the rest of Edmonton. I bring him inside.

Perhaps the most exciting part of this sad tale is that which I forgot to mention. It was raining. So I pull open the patio door, to let the dog come in. No worries. If Grisom or Horatio had shown up, they would have had no issues with tracking down a witness. The black muddy footprints would have led them from my backyard, through my living room, and into the kitchen.

So at 7:15 this morning, while the rest of the world slept peacefully (except that friendly fellow in the Dodge Ram) I slapped on my rubber gloves...

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