Saturday, April 14, 2007

...and then there was Facebook

So I am innocently watching tv and my phone rings, its my friend Beth. She says, "I found this thing, you should try it, its called Facebook". Great says I, one of those wierd things where you fill out a survey and then are done with it. I register. Hmmmm....not really sure what this is....oh look at this, I can find people I haven't seen in years.....oh my goodness look at the time.

SO! I am glad, when Beth called she didn't say, "Amy, I found this thing, you should try it, its called smoking."

Now, I alwasy knew that when I liked something, I loved it. When I didn't love it anymore, I also didn't like it. I guess its an addictive personality. Normally I limit my vices to drive-thru windows with big brown cups, but this is sick! I love it. I have searched everyone I can think of, added them and sent messages. I have also found people I would never have thought of. I think about who I can look for, while I am at work, driving... its too funny. I have people I skiied (not well) with, girls from my Brownie troops when I was 5, people had fallen out of touch with and those who I have still had contact with have links to people I haven't seen in years!!!

This is the greatest thing since Tim Hortons! I need a laptop for while I am sitting in the line at the drive-thru waiting for a nifty brown paper cup!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you know I mentioned facebook to you a month ago

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