Monday, February 1, 2010

Edmonton Family Portraits | Ang and the Kiddos | Rundle Park, Edmonton

Yesterday when I met up with Angie and the kids at Edmonton's Rundle Park it was beyond F.R.E.E.Z.I.N.G

In case you aren't sure how cold it was, it was the kind of weather that makes your teeth chatter. But as always the kiddos were absolute troopers. It seems that I always meet up with this family for portraits during Edmonton's coldest months!

Next time I suggest we meet in July! I don't want to traumatize the kidlets by making them think that family portraits are synonymous with frost bite!

Thanks for coming out folks! It was awesome to see you all again!

Oh, and by the way blog followers, I am not a small dog person. But I love Miffy and almost wish I had one just like her!


Melanie T. said...

So pretty. It may have been frost bite inducing but the snow sure adds a special touch to the photos :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Photos :)
Miffy sure looks dressed for the weather!

Rhonda said...

Great photos. I'm curious how you got them so big on your blog? My photos, even uploaded large, are way smaller than this.

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